19 Kasım 2013 Salı

Here is your first homework!

As you all remember, in Unit 11, we read about Andrew Carnegie. Here are some other famous people. Choose one of these people and answer the questions below according to their life stories.

Bill Gates, Hetty Green, Li Ka-shing, Aristotle Onassis, John D. Rockefeller, Oprah Winfrey

1. Where was he or she born?2. Where did he or she live? 3. How did he or she get rich?4. What did he or she do with the money?

Write your answers as a comment below this post.

Good Luck!

1 yorum:

  1. Hetty Green

    She was born in New Bedford, Massachusetts on November 21, 1834. People call The Witch of Wall Street to her. Because she was the stingiest person on the world those days. Actually still she is... she entry in the Guinness Book of World Records with that name 'World's Greatest Miser'. She didn't spend her money if it wasn't necessary for her. She had much money than everbody there. But she ate cheap foods, she wore old clothes. People thought 'she is a beggar'. She never spent to get warm. Also one day, Her son broke his leg, but she didn't take him to the hospital to not spend money. So her son gangrened than his leg cut. She died in New York, USA. When she died, his children have 200.000.000$. Still she is in Top 100 of Most Richest Poeple.

